Think Southern Cross Sheds when you are looking for a Domestic sheds, Industrial Sheds, Patios, Carports, Aircraft Hangers, Covered Arenas, Stables and American style Barns

Concrete curing- Sunny days help the concrete cure process prior to install. (Always looks smaller prior to framing)

Portal Frame- Marking the slab, checking the kit contents prior to frame install is important. Shed starts to take shape.

Walls are sheeted 1st, End wall sheets are trimmed once fitting has taken place. Windows etc, can be installed at this stage.

Gutters/downpipes are installed and roof sheeting is screwed off, back breaking work!
So now you have seen some of Southern Cross Sheds’ boys in action and why we are so proud of our work!.Gutters/downpipes are installed and roof sheeting is screwed off, back breaking work!
So if you are after a Domestic shed, Industrial shed, Patio, Carport, Aircraft Hangar, Covered Arena, Stable or American style Barn we have the perfect solution for you!!
So what are you waiting for?
If you are in the market for a Domestic shed, Industrial shed, Patio, Carport, Aircraft Hanger, Covered Arena, Stable or American style Barn.
Do yourself a favour and talk to the team with all the answers, local building knowledge, and a proven long term presence in the building industry.